An ambulance is navigating the mountains of New Zealand to promote vaping

 An ambulance is navigating the mountains of New Zealand to promote vaping

Graham Peters has decided to take to the New Zealand roads to promote vaping. To attract attention amongst the local populations, he has bought a 1987 Bradford ambulance. The name for the recuse vehicle? Vape Naki Nekta. In the past, it used to transfer patients to Waikato Hospital.

ambulance vape

Of course, nowadays the ambulance isn’t used to ferry patients to the hospital. But the owner’s wish is to encourage smokers to adopt a healthier lifestyle. Peters’ goal is to educate people and explain the e-cigarette’s myriad benefits.

According to the fervent e-cigarette fan, a large majority of the population remains unaware of its benefits. This is why his work is so important. Indeed, each week, new scientific studies are conducted to prove the advantages of vaping compared to traditional cigarettes.

ambulance vape

A desire to educate… but also to do business

Graham Peters is the owner of Naki Nekta, a boutique specializing in vaping products. With his son Kristian Pilgrim, Peters travels the northern, mountainous region of New Zealand to spread the word about vaping. He also sells his products: his ambulance has been specially designed to convert into a travelling store, where clients can purchase e-cigarettes and e-liquids.

ambulance vape

Peters’ business is booming, and his marketing skills are well-honed. A former Smoker, Graham Peters used to smoke nearly 30 cigarettes a day. Thanks to vaping, the money he has saved over two and a half years has allowed him to buy a beautiful black BMW, a racing car he doesn’t hesitate to show off.

A similar vaping marketing campaign, albeit not for profit, is currently being conducted by Senator Cory Bernardi.


Pauline est connue à BlogVape pour son palais. Amatrice d'e-liquides rares et pro du marché, elle vape avant-tout pour les saveurs.

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