Survey: e-cigarette success in Spain

 Survey: e-cigarette success in Spain

In 2014, almost 25% of Spaniards smoked cigarettes, making it one of the highest rates of smoking in Europe. Nonetheless, the rise of the e-cigarette, now adopted by 10% of the population, is giving hope to the fight against tobacco addiction. Smoking rates have declined since 2010, coinciding with the arrival of the e-cigarette.

spainA survey carried out by the Union of Vaping Promoters and Entrepreneurs (UPEV) has shown promising results in Spain. 69.8% of e-cig users have completely quit smoking, while 26.5% have reduced their tobacco consumption. A majority of e-cigarette users (84.3%) consider the device to be the most effective tool for quitting smoking.

As studies demonstrating the health benefits of vaping continue to be released, consumers are beginning to notice the results. 50% of those surveyed report better lung capacity. For a third of all vapers, coughing is also down, and 22% reported that their overall health has improved.

A surprise surge in vaping in Spain

If the latest statistics suggest the electronic cigarette’s success in Spain, it isn’t because the e-cigarette was always welcome there. For a long time the supposed health benefits were criticized for not being backed up with sufficient data, but now it appears public opinion has turned. The survey is attempting to prove the effectiveness and viability of vaping devices in the fight against tobacco. The issue of dual consumption does not appear to be relevant, as most former smokers stop smoking tobacco in favor of e-cigarettes.

Although 5% of e-cigarette users report being chastised in public, 54.2% now say their vaping tendencies spark curiosity, not disgust. 22% report a general indifference towards vaping amongst passersby—all of this proof that the electronic cigarette is starting to find its place in the public domain.

According to Arturo Ribes, president of the UPEV, only those who use e-cigarettes can truly speak about the benefits of vaping. This survey is in line with numerous other scientific studies that uphold the electronic cigarette as a useful tool to help smokers quit. Ribes hopes that the health authorities will take these recent results into account, so that they can encourage rather than discourage the growth of the vaping market.


Pauline est connue à BlogVape pour son palais. Amatrice d'e-liquides rares et pro du marché, elle vape avant-tout pour les saveurs.

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