Brexit, an opportunity for British vaping

Brexit may be a curse to many, but there is a silver lining for vapers, allowing the UK to make their own decisions regarding many European regulations. This emancipation from the EU will allow the British isles to make their own rules. While electronic cigarettes are cause for debate in Europe, the British have adopted them with open arms.

The New Nicotine Alliance, who militate for vaping, expect vaping regulations to be adapted to local needs as quickly as possible. An NNA meeting on July 11th highlighted the issues that need to be addressed. Association chair Sahar Jakes took the opportunity to argue against the current restrictions on vaping products.

The NNA has decried European regulations when it comes to e-cigs, preventing the market from really taking off. Experts present during the meeting plan to address their remarks to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ASAP. Their core demand is that the organisation be more favourable to this effective smoking cessation tool.


A political battle in the name of vaping

It seems Brexit represents a major opportunity for vaping on the rainy islands. The United-Kingdom is planning to establish its own legal framework in the fight against smoking. Rather than put vaping and smoking in the same category, the organisation wants to encourage Brits to switch to the healthier alternative.

The UK is not the only place where the defense of vaping is going strong. Across the pond, Thomas Miller, the Iowa attorney general, recently addressed a letter to the FDA. He requested the reduction of nicotine rates in cigarettes, to help smokers turn to vaping.

In the Indian state of Tamil Nady, the Association of Vapers – India (AVI) is opposing the government’s decision. The Indian state has formally banned the same of vaping products, which Samrat Chowdery, director of AVI, considers “a major political error”. A militant defender of e-cigs, he bases his arguments on scientific evidence that no authority can challenge.

While vaping is far from becoming adopted completely, there are many consumer associations working to achieve this. Let’s hope that these groups have a chance to be heard by health authorities in their countries, and that governments will enlist their help in the fight against tobacco.


Victoria est une amatrice passionnée de vape depuis les premiers mods mécaniques. Elle apporte à BlogVape son expertise juridique sur la vape en France et ailleurs.

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