Partnership between Fivape and Screlec to talk about recycling and vaping

 Partnership between Fivape and Screlec to talk about recycling and vaping

Fivape has decided to partner up with Screlec, a non-profit eco-friendly organization that focuses on recycling. Screlec is approved by public authorities, and it intends to expand upon a system of collecting and handling vaping-related waste.

screlecAs a first step, Screlec will be responsible for providing regulatory information to vaping professionals about recycling their waste material. In particular, the organization will focus on discussing how to recycle electronic devices. Afterwards, the organization will set up a system to collect used vaping devices and other recyclable material.

The goal is to differentiate between the various types of vaping products that can be recycled. Recycled raw materials will be reused to reduce the detrimental effects on the environment, and material that cannot be recycled will be disposed of in an environmentally conscious manner.

boutique shop

Measures to reduce the carbon footprint of vaping products

The goal of the Fivape-Screlec partnership is to create an efficient, secure, and sustainable waste-management system. The logistics of this type of organization also must take into account pre-determined financial criteria. Currently, multiple options have been proposed to help vape-store owners with the goal of helping them better recycle.

Battery collectors and waste bins win soon be installed in various sales locations. 30,000 large recycling containers will also be made available so that material can be recycled before the pick-up date. This measure has been taken so that vape-stores can avoid storing large-quantities of batteries in their facilities, which also reduces various risks.

Today, the vaping industry seems to recognize the importance of recycling as both a moral and a legal obligation. Indeed, European legislation requires e-cigarette sellers to collect used batteries. (On the contrary, Big Tobacco is not yet required to participate in the “pollute-and-pay” scheme.) Recently, in Belgium, three major cigarette manufacturers were asked to pay 200,000 Euros to help pay for cigarette-butt removal.


Victoria est une amatrice passionnée de vape depuis les premiers mods mécaniques. Elle apporte à BlogVape son expertise juridique sur la vape en France et ailleurs.

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