Video: Flappy Bird installed on a Joyetech box!

 Video: Flappy Bird installed on a Joyetech box!

A recent video of a new e-cigarette containing a famous game has just been uploaded to Youtube. The eVic-VTC is known for its smart battery, which can collect information like charging capacity, device power, and temperature. Balázs Bank discovered that the firmware inside the device is also capable of receiving external data, and he had the wise idea of installing Flappy Bird, a basic but challenging game:

The game’s objective is to fly a bird and avoid various obstacles. Created in May 2013, the application was first designed to be compatible with iPhones. It is a relatively basic game, but it saw immediate success and in January 2014, it became the most downloaded game for Smartphones.


An addictive game

Flappy Bird was taken off of the market in February 2014 due to both official and unofficial reasons. The game’s inventor, Nguyễn Hà Đông, was accused of plagiarism for copying a French game called Piou Piou. Other users criticized the game for its level of difficulty. In just a few weeks, some users became addicted and obsessed with trying to get past levels that were almost impossible to beat.

The concept of Flappy Bird is well adapted for the e-cigarette’s black and white screen, and you only need one button to play.

Here’s a clip of the classic snake game, which can also be uploaded to the device:


Pauline est connue à BlogVape pour son palais. Amatrice d'e-liquides rares et pro du marché, elle vape avant-tout pour les saveurs.

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