Juul approves the anti-vaping law proposed by McConnell

 Juul approves the anti-vaping law proposed by McConnell

The majority leader in US Congress, Mitch McConnell, has proposed a new law on the subject of vaping. The project aims to make the purchase and of cigarettes and vaping devices forbidden to all Americans under the age of 21.

This measure is a response to the increase in vaping rates in teen populations across the USA. McConnell wants to reduce the teen vaping rate, and is pushing hard in that direction. In his opinion, the percentage of teens who consume e-cigarettes has reached epidemic proportions. The crux of the issue is that addiction is hardest to fight for those who began at an early age. The purpose of the new law is to limit under-age access to e-cigarettes and tobacco products.

This law raises some important questions on the responsibility of tobacco sellers to their customers, and the risks for those in infraction of legislation on tobacco product sales to under-age individuals.


Unexpected support from Juul

Surprisingly, Juul Labs Inc. is on board with Mitch McConnell’s law proposal. Kevin Burns, Juul’s acting CEO, recently made a statement that the company objective was to work to reduce combustion cigarette consumption. Yet Altria, the manufacturer behind the brand Marlboro, owns 35% stock in Juul shares as from December 2018.

Throughout the world, tobacco is one of the leading causes of preventable deaths, and for Juul’s managers, it is critical to reduce vaping rates among teenagers. It may well be that this show of support is simply Juul’s way of cooling their difficult relations with the FDA. Juul Labs Inc has for months now been under intense pressure from the American health authority. In particular, they were accused of making vaping products specifically targeting teens.

By showing support for Mitch McConnell’s proposal, Juul hopes to make a show of good faith and hopefully get the FDA off their backs. According to experts, this new law will have little effect, given that e-cigs have already conquered a large portion of American youths.


Victoria est une amatrice passionnée de vape depuis les premiers mods mécaniques. Elle apporte à BlogVape son expertise juridique sur la vape en France et ailleurs.

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