Tags : Vape shops

Lois & Réglementations

USA : plusieurs États suspendent l’interdiction des e-liquides aromatisés

Dans un contexte houleux pour la vape aux États-Unis, les bonnes nouvelles se font rares. Deux décisions de justice favorables viennent de donner un peu d’air aux vape shops et vendeurs en ligne. De quoi redonner espoir aux professionnels devant faire face à une campagne de dénigrement des produits aromatisés. Au cours de l’année écoulée, […]En savoir plus

Business - Market

Vape shops a major asset for local life

More and more people throughout the world are recognizing the benefits of vaping. This is notably the case in the United Kingdom, where a healthcare organization recently praised the role of local vape shops, which have had a positive effect on public health.     The Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH) just published a report […]En savoir plus


Quitting smoking: vape shops in the limelight

The United Kingdom is spearheading Europe in the promotion of electronic cigarettes. Once again, a British publication has publicly recognized the importance of e-cigarettes as a smoking cessation tool. This article chose to focus on the positive role of vape shops in the process. Recently published in the Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, à recent study […]En savoir plus