Vaping products: the 5 most beautiful Mods

 Vaping products: the 5 most beautiful Mods
Vaping is first and foremost the combination of two elements: an e-juice of course, but also a vaping device. For your e-liquids, you are in the right place! For your device, just keep on reading.
We have selected for you the most beautiful vaping mods that exist on the market.
What is a Mod ? It is the part of the e-cigarette which contains the battery. The mod is associated with an atomizer, where you will find the resistance which heats the e-liquid and transforms it into vapor. 
There are absolutely no budget limitations in the mods we have chosen, we did it first for your viewing pleasure. However, if you are able to purchase one of the mods below, go for it! There is no specific ranking between these vaping products, up to you to chose which one suits you best…

Caravela – Caravela Mods

Most beautiful mods: Caravela - Caravela Mods

This Portuguese mod created by Pedro Miguel Carvalho is considered as the Holy Grail by mod collectors. It has left its mark on the vaping history as soon as it was launched and its reputation only equals its manufacturing quality. There are only 999 copies and they have all been sold.

Coral Rose 18500 – Limelight Mechanics

Most beautiful mods: Coral Rose 18500 - Limelight Mechanics

Limelight Mechanics pipes are manufactured by a Serbian craftsman. They deserve a higher fame, especially the Coral Rose whose pure design in unprecedented on the market of electronic pipes. This pipe which stands alone is here mounted on a Vaponaute Magister atomizer.

Gamma – Meka Mod

Most beautiful mods: Gamma - Meka Mod

Gamma is a mechanical mod manufactured by Alain Della in Switzerland. It allies beauty, quality and ingenuity and is probably one of the best 18650 mechanical mods ever created.
A few details on the 18650: 18650 mechanical mods work with round rechargeable batteries 18 millimeters wide for 65 millimeters long. They have a very good performance in terms of autonomy and safety. 
Gamma has been conceived with genious and is the perfect embodiment in the vaping world of Leonard de Vinci’s saying « Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication ».

Maria – Osrix Mods

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You will unfortunately just be able to look at it. It is a single copy. Osrix only manufactures single pieces. Absolutely amazing ones.

Revolt – Phi Mods

Most beautiful mods: Revolt - Phi Mods

Let’s end this selection with a baroque touch: the Revolt, a French lod from Phi Mods. We are totally convinced that Jack Sparrow could have vaped on this device! The cherry on the cake? The trigger serves as a switch.
Of course, a mod is not enough. You’ll also need an atomizer to vape, but let’s talk about that in another article, shall we?
If we have forgotten your favorite mod, you can help us get things right by sharing in the comments section!


Jeremie est journaliste vape depuis plus de 7 ans dans la presse papier et en ligne. Toujours à l’affût des tendances, il a déjà testé des centaines de matériels.

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