Scientists are encouraging the WHO to accept vaping

 Scientists are encouraging the WHO to accept vaping

Although consumers and scientists may unanimously agree on the positive aspects of vaping, the same cannot be said for health authorities. Current policies related to the fight against tobacco addiction continue to confuse the dangers of smoking versus vaping. However, it is now proven that the health risks that each poses are indeed quite different.

Due to this confusion, and in the face of consistent reluctance to accept the benefits of vaping, e-cigarette supporters are making their voices heard. Consequently, 70 scientists took advantage of the WHO’s most recent anti-tobacco convention to discuss the issue with participants.

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Strong arguments in favour of vaping

The 70 scientists are calling for the WHO to take a position on tobacco alternatives. They are hoping that by doing so, the image of vaping will change and e-cigarettes will be encouraged to help quit tobacco, not criticized.

It must be said that up until now, doubts surrounding vaping products persists, largely because people confuse vaping with smoking. And yet, the rise of the vaping industry has resulted in a net reduction of smoking rates in just the past few years. Scientists want to make it clear that this is not a coincidence.

The scientists further demonstrate that almost all vaping studies show how much less harmful e-cigarettes are compared to tobacco. If sceptics continue to criticize e-cigarettes because of nicotine content, this is not a problem. What differentiates the e-cigarette from traditional cigarettes is that there is no combustion during the vaping process. Of course, smoking tobacco is carcinogenic, but for the time being the WHO makes no distinction between smoking and vaping.

The scientists further criticize the WHO for being alarmist. By remaining overly cautious about vaping, health authorities are actively preventing the development of tobacco alternatives. This is of course a major issue for the fight against tobacco addiction, since vaping is widely known as a viable solution. Why not take minimal risks when we know that smoking is a serious health issue? This is the primary question the 70 scientists are asking health authorities around the globe.


Pauline est connue à BlogVape pour son palais. Amatrice d'e-liquides rares et pro du marché, elle vape avant-tout pour les saveurs.

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