Pirate vapes: a former Apple employee working with Juul Labs

 Pirate vapes: a former Apple employee working with Juul Labs

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America’s best-selling vape company recently hired an Apple piracy expert, Adrian Punderson. The new mission is focused on eradicating the thriving market for fake or pirate Juul devices. Many copies of their flagship vape pens are eating away at the start-up’s revenue stream. But this isn’t the worst thing about this contraband: this illegal practise is dangerous for consumers (and the credibility of the young company).

The 10 billion-dollar company has been under immense pressure from the FDA. The government organisation is accusing Juul Labs of encouraging vaping in underage populations. However, the increase in fake Juuls, while not their fault, is hurting the company a great deal. Adrian Punderson will be working closely with government authorities to achieve this objective.

Today, the company wishes to be fully transparent about the ingredients in its products. However, they simply do not have the capacity to control pirate Juul manufacturers to make sure they are in line with regulations. As it stands, these pirate e-cig devices can be dangerous for consumers. Adrian Punderson will be working hand in hand with the FDA and Wayne Sobon, the Juul Labs vice-president for industrial property.

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Focused actions to fight piracy

Currently, there is simply no data on the amount of contraband products flooding the market, but Adrian Punderson has a strategy. First, legal actions have been taken to prevent other companies from copying the brand’s products. Increased border checks could also help to limit the influx of foreign pirate products on the American market. And finally, measures will be taken to control the retail side of the equation.

Hiring Adrian Punderson to combat industrial property fraud is an intelligent choice. The former Apple-employee was confronted with the same kinds of challenges due to the plethora of iPhone fakes the company had to deal with. And while Punderson was hesitant to join Juul Labs, his father’s death due to smoking-related disease was a major factor in his decision to work for a vaping company. For Adrian Punderson, working with Juul Labs could help to reduce the smoking rate in his country, and in this manner help save lives.


Pauline est connue à BlogVape pour son palais. Amatrice d'e-liquides rares et pro du marché, elle vape avant-tout pour les saveurs.

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