USA: e-cigarettes are likened to parasites!

 USA: e-cigarettes are likened to parasites!

For the last few months in the USA, the electronic cigarette has been viewed as a scourge that is ravaging the teenage population. The Evelyn Lilly Lutz Foundation is behind a new campaign that is now painting the e-cigarette as a parasite.

The advertising campaign suggests that it is time to be free of this terrible “addiction” so that users can get rid of their “sickness.” The campaign is made up of a series of films warning young people about the health effects that vaping can have later on in life. Created by the McCann Health agency, the advertising campaign shows the negative sides of vaping by characterizing e-cigarettes as disturbed human beings.     

A morbid and dangerous anti-vaping advertising campaign

The particularly sordid advertising campaign focuses on the supposed handicaps that extensive vaping can lead to. E-cigarettes are depicted as a deranged person who hangs off of the back of teenagers, just like a parasite. Using the slogan “Get the vape off your back,” the message is clear. The president of the Evelyn Lilly Lutz Foundation, Suzanne Graves, believes that the rise in vaping amongst young people is a major crisis that needs to be addressed. In her mind, she wanted to devise a campaign that would better reach young people.

The concept of this campaign could be considered scandalous, and even dangerous. In fact, degrading the image of vaping could push teenagers to try traditional cigarettes, which would have a much more dangerous effect on teenage health. It is worth pointing out—for the umpteenth time—that numerous students have proven that e-cigarettes are much less dangerous than traditional cigarettes. which is part of what makes it so hard to make sense of this bizarre advertising campaign.


Pauline est connue à BlogVape pour son palais. Amatrice d'e-liquides rares et pro du marché, elle vape avant-tout pour les saveurs.

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