Dès le 1er novembre 2020, l’initiative du #MoisSansTabac sera de retour pour sa cinquième édition. Ce mois de novembre verra une large campagne de communication se mettre en place. L’objectif est à nouveau d’inciter les fumeurs à abandonner la cigarette. Pour l’occasion, le vapotage est mis en avant. Le #MoisSansTabac vise à réduire le nombre […]En savoir plus
Tags : #MoisSansTabac
For the third year, the French #MoisSansTabac initiative was launched by the Ministry of Solidarity and Health. In partnership with Assurance Maladie, France’s primary health insurance provider, Public Health France is proposing a program to help as many people as possible quit smoking. Public Health France launched a vast information campaign in the beginning of […]En savoir plus
For the second consecutive year, France’s Tabac Info Service is organizing the Tobacco Free Month (“Mois Sans Tabac”), inspired by Stoptober in England. The French programincludes a Facebook page, the ability to share photos on Instagram, a newsletter, etc. The campaign is also offering a free application for Android and iOS. The app is presented as a coaching tool to help users stop smoking. […]En savoir plus
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