Different vaping techniques

Electronic cigarettes require some basic vaping technique, contrary to tobacco cigarettes. Here below our advice to vape easily and with great satisfaction.

Electronic cigarettes require some basic technique, contrary to tobacco cigarettes. Here below our advice to vape easily and with great satisfaction.

The first example that comes in mind is that when we start vaping, the inhaling technique will be quite different than smoking. With cigarettes, you’ll be inhaling through short and intense inhales. For e-cigarettes, it’s the contrary, inhales will be longer and softer (3 to 4 seconds).

If you’re a beginner, don’t worry. Many vaping devices trigger automatically and the battery activates as soon as you start inhaling. Other devices will require you to keep your finger on the trigger button during the whole inhale.

Then, you have two different vaping techniques. And the one you choose will strongly depend on your previous habits and preferences.

Indirect inhaling

You’ll first inhale the vapor in your mouth then move it towards your lungs. This is the closest technique to traditional cigarettes. You’ll need to inhale a little bit stronger because the airflow is tighter. You’ll have a lesser vapor production and power. But you’ll use the battery less and increase your autonomy.

Direct inhaling

The second technique: direct inhaling. You simply inhale the vapor directly into your lungs, as with a hookah. The airflow will be lighter and you’ll inhale more easily. But since you’ll make more vapor, you’ll use the battery quicker and you’ll have a lesser autonomy.

Our last recommendation for you to avoid being frustrated is to inhale slowly. Also think about taking a break between each puffs so that the coil can get soaked with e-liquid.

Category: Electronic cigarette

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