English association encourages smokers to turn to vaping

 English association encourages smokers to turn to vaping

associationIn the United Kingdom, the Yorkshire Cancer Research association published a statement on Wednesday based on a study conducted by Public Health England. The study confirms that the use of e-cigarettes is an effective aid to stop smoking.

The press release also marks the beginning of the association’s commitment to the “Vape to Quit” campaign. This commitment, announced during the National No Smoking Day, aims to reduce the rate of smoking. For this, the association intends to promote access to alternatives to smoking, notably vaping products. The association is asking doctors to encourage their patients to stop smoking with the help of the e-cigarette. It also recommends banning smoking areas in companies and replacing them with vaping areas.


The United Kingdom poised to win the fight against tobacco

The United Kingdom currently has the second lowest smoking rate in Europe. An independent study published by the PHE shows that this is to efforts to encouraging vaping.

Health organizations in the country are currently making an effort to highlight the differences between health risks related to smoking versus vaping. Indeed, only 2 out of 5 British citizens know that e-cigarettes are much safer than traditional cigarettes. Additionally, 40% of smokers have never even tried vaping.

Since July 18, the United Kingdom’s Department of Health has decided to support vaping devices as part of a 5-year program. It cites them amongst useful tools for quitting smoking, tools that significantly reduce the risk of tobacco-related illnesses. The goal is to bring down the smoking rate from 15.5% to 12% by the end of 2022. The government hopes to reduce the risk of tobacco-related illnesses for smokers and those around them.


Jean-Pascal est le scientifique de l'équipe BlogVape. Ancien journaliste médical, il a trouvé dans la vape un moyen d'arrêter de fumer qu'il souhaite désormais transmettre.

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