Juul details its new Bluetooth products

 Juul details its new Bluetooth products

James Monsees

A few weeks ago, Jull announced that its Bluetooth-equipped pods should be available in 2019. The cofounder of Juul Labs, James Monsees, confirmed that Bluetooth is one of the brand’s top priorities, and that new products may even appear on the French market in the next few months.

The news was announced in an interview on the American website TechCrunch. James Monsees, also the company’s product manager, confirmed the addition of Bluetooth technology for Juul pods. Although the announcement is promising, few other details have emerged.

The manufacturer also wanted to respond to questions raised by the FDA regarding vaping amongst minors. The Bluetooth technology would allow for a locking system, which would help prevent young people from using the device known for its high levels of nicotine content.

James Monsees

Innovative new features  

juulFor the time being, a few details have been released concerning the new product. The Juul will now be connected to its owner’s smartphone, which means it can only function when close to a smartphone. This will help make sure that only the Juul’s rightful owner—and not minors—can uses the device.

More interesting for users, the new features will be accessible via a dedicated app that will allow users to set goals to reduce nicotine consumption. The details surrounding these features, however, were not discussed during the interview.

There is no specific release date for the new Bluetooth Juul, as the new Bluetooth products are still awaiting FDA approval. Barring a surprise, it’s a safe bet that the new products will be on the market in the following year.


Pauline est connue à BlogVape pour son palais. Amatrice d'e-liquides rares et pro du marché, elle vape avant-tout pour les saveurs.

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