Join 650 other volunteers for a landmark vaping French study

 Join 650 other volunteers for a landmark vaping French study

The AP-HP (Paris Hospital) is currently organizing a massive study to better understand the e-cigarette’s effectiveness as a tool for helping quit smoking. 150 volunteers have already joined the study, but in order for the experiment to be as reliable as possible, researchers are calling for at least 650 participants.

11 hospitals located in 12 French cities are participating in the project, known as ECSMOKE. The study will take place over four years and will cover three different groups of participants. The first group will use vaping devices that contain nicotine as well as a placebo, varenicline. This molecule, better known by the name Champix, is often prescribed to help people quit smoking. The second group will be smokers who are given nicotine-free e-cigarettes as well as a varenicline treatment. The last group will be a control group that does not receive any nicotine or medical treatment.

hopital volontaires volunteers

A reliable study with a budget of 1 million Euros

To obtain the best results, the study will be double blind. The doctors will not know which data belongs to which group during the study, and participants have also agreed not to investigate the treatment they will be receiving.  The hospital in La Rochelle has announced that 5 participants chosen for the study stopped smoking 3 or 4 months ago. Nonetheless, it is important to follow the habits of former smokers over the long term if researchers hope to get the most reliable data.

The medical community is eagerly awaiting the study’s conclusions, as are numerous smokers who want to quit smoking for good. Currently, there are 13 million smokers in France, and approximately 1.7 e-cigarette users.

Would you like to participate in this study? To join, you must meet a few requirements: you must be between 18 and 70 years old, smoke at least 10 cigarettes per day, and have a desire to quit smoking.


Jean-Pascal est le scientifique de l'équipe BlogVape. Ancien journaliste médical, il a trouvé dans la vape un moyen d'arrêter de fumer qu'il souhaite désormais transmettre.

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