A petition (ECI) launched to exclude e-cigs from tobacco product category

 A petition (ECI) launched to exclude e-cigs from tobacco product category

ice europe europa ECI

Some time ago, European citizen initiative (ECI) with the goal of excluding e-cigs from tobacco product regulations was developed and launched. The initiative has been opened up to the public via Vapingisnottobacco.eu, a dedicated platform where you can sign. The objective: 1 million signatures. This is the minimum requirement for any action to be taken at the EU level. ECI is a process for European Union citizens to present and defend a proposal to the European Commission for regulatory changes. It is a way of taking part in the law-making process.

The official website for this ECI is focused on the reasons why EU governments are including vaping products in the tobacco product regulation directives. This initiative questions this decision, and believes that the reasoning behind it is based on faulty research and could discourage smokers from switching to vaping.

ICE europe europa ECI

It is now well known that if a majority of smokers switched to e-cigs, public health costs would be significantly reduced

Many medical experts agree that vaping is safer for health than smoking. The research goes further, and the argument for improving public health has gained traction. Despite the scientific consensus, the EU is missing an opportunity to encourage smokers to quit and try vaping. The website is a call to arms, and citizens who sign will be helping change regulations to facilitate access to vaping products. The objective is to change the more restrictive regulations applied to vaping products, such as those on points of sale. This site presentation is specific in its intentions: they do not wish to eliminate all regulations, but rather adapt the legal framework.

Sign this ECI to demand regulatory change so that cigarettes and electronic cigarettes can be distinct in EU regulations. All citizens of the EU can participate until February 20th, 2020.


Victoria est une amatrice passionnée de vape depuis les premiers mods mécaniques. Elle apporte à BlogVape son expertise juridique sur la vape en France et ailleurs.

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