Le 23 aout dernier, un jeune américain adepte de la vape est décédé d’une détresse respiratoire après avoir inhalé des vapeurs toxiques. Son cas est loin d’être anecdotique. Aux USA, des dizaines voire des centaines de vapoteurs ont été hospitalisés depuis quelques semaines. Cette épidémie fait les affaires des anti-vape, mais c’est un fongicide qui […]En savoir plus
Tags : Fake news
Une étude anti-vape vient d’être publiée dans « Radiology« . Soutenue par les Instituts nationaux de la santé américains (NIH), elle affirme que des effets aigus dus à l’inhalation d’aérosols de cigarettes électroniques auraient été constatés sur la fonction vasculaire. Cette nouvelle charge contre l’e-cigarette a été immédiatement reprise par le « Daily Mail« . La journaliste Natalie Rahhal […]En savoir plus
Just how far is the FDA willing to go to slander the electronic cigarette in the eyes of public opinion? The FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb’s latest words suggest that vaping may cause epileptic seizures! This absurd statement, which is based on absolutely no scientific evidence, will now lead to an FDA inquiry. According to the […]En savoir plus
The anti-vaping crowd thought they had found the damning piece of evidence that vaping was bad for health. A study published in August 2018, argued that e-cigarette vapour contained fine particulate matter. If this were true, both first and second-hand vapour could be damaging to health. To prove their hypothetical claim, researchers measured the amount of […]En savoir plus
Rumours are constantly circulating about the supposed dangers of vaping. Often times, false information comes from uninformed people. Sometimes, however, the lie is well crafted. Indeed, Big Tobacco, as well as some large pharmaceutical companies, are not afraid to discredit the positive effects of vaping as a legitimate nicotine substitute. (Not surprisingly, they don’t seem […]En savoir plus
At the end of January 2018, vaping devices were violently attacked by the AFP. According to the French press agency, e-cigarettes significantly increase the risks of cancer and heart disease. The bad buzz began after the publication of an article in the Bulletin of the American Academy of Sciences. The study’s results suggested that e-cigarettes […]En savoir plus
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