Juul may take some of its products off of the American market

 Juul may take some of its products off of the American market

It is no secret that for the past few months, the FDA has been fighting against the popularity of vaping amongst minors. For a long time now the American organization has targeted certain e-liquids considered too attractive for young people. After continued pressure on the vaping company, the FDA may have succeeded in removing some of Juul’s products from the market.

Juul has completely dominated the vaping sector in the USA, controlling 70% of the entire market. The company’s resounding success took Big Tobacco and health organizations by surprise, and the FDA has been particularly shocked by the company’s success with young people.

The Food and Drug Administration had strong words when asked about Juul, citing a vaping epidemic” amongst young people, resulting in a “public health tragedy.” The FDA estimates that sugary e-liquids are a gateway drug for tobacco addiction.


 E-liquids may soon be taken off of the market

In order to calm the health authorities’ nerves, Juul is now considering stopping the sale of certain flavours in specialist vaping shops, removing sugary e-liquids denounced by the FDA from the market. It will still be possible to purchase these liquids online, however, provided that consumers are over eighteen years old.

This new measure is in line with the company’s recent efforts to prove that it is interested in addiction prevention. Juul has invested 30 million dollars in campaigns that explain the potential dangers of vaping amongst young people. The company wants to show health authorities that it doesn’t take these issues lightly.

It remains to be seen, however, whether or not Juul’s efforts to curb teenage vaping will satisfy the FDA. For the time being, American authorities remain highly sceptical of the vaping industry. Juul in particular remains in the crosshairs, even though it has helped reduce considerably the number of traditional cigarette smokers in the USA.


Victoria est une amatrice passionnée de vape depuis les premiers mods mécaniques. Elle apporte à BlogVape son expertise juridique sur la vape en France et ailleurs.

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