Tags : Juul Labs

 Juul déconseille aux non-fumeurs de vaper

Juul déconseille aux non-fumeurs de vaper

Le jeudi 29 aout dernier,le PDG de la start-up californienne a fait une déclaration surprenante lors de l’émission « CBS This Morning ». Kevin Burns a mis en garde les non-fumeurs contre l’usage du pod Juul. Selon lui, les effets à long terme du vapotage sont inconnus et dans le doute, il est préférable de s’abstenir de […]En savoir plus

Business - Market


Juul, one of the USA’s vaping industry leaders, has just filed a lawsuit against four competitors on the grounds that they are benefitting from the tremendous success of the company’s products. Juul is also accusing their competitors of trying to bypass stringent American health regulations. Founded in 2007 by James Monsees and Adam Bowen, Juul […]En savoir plus

 The controversy of Juul’s advertising strategy
Business - Market

The controversy of Juul’s advertising strategy

Electronic cigarettes are now commonplace across the world, but many still consider it analogous to smoking. And with Juul taking the market by storm, critics are more vocal than ever. The FDA in particular is keeping a watchful eye on the lucrative company. FDA commissioner Scott Gottleib is working hard to restrict sales of vaping products, […]En savoir plus

 Pirate vapes: a former Apple employee working with Juul Labs
Business - Market

Pirate vapes: a former Apple employee working with Juul Labs

America’s best-selling vape company recently hired an Apple piracy expert, Adrian Punderson. The new mission is focused on eradicating the thriving market for fake or pirate Juul devices. Many copies of their flagship vape pens are eating away at the start-up’s revenue stream. But this isn’t the worst thing about this contraband: this illegal practise is dangerous […]En savoir plus

 Juul is coming to France
Business - Market

Juul is coming to France

Estimated to weigh over 16 billion dollars, Juul Lab Inc is the hottest electronic cigarette company at the current moment. With the arrival of Juul’s mod pod, a discreet and transportable device, the world of vaping conquered countless new enthusiasts, and in particular younger consumers. As a result, Juul has gotten into hot waters with health authorities […]En savoir plus

 Juul Labs now worth $10 billion
Business - Market

Juul Labs now worth $10 billion

Juul Lab’s value is now estimated at $10 billion. The American company can now be considered a legitimate competitor to challenge the traditional tobacco giant Philip Morris. Indeed, the maker of the Juul vaping device has adopted numerous marketing and financial strategies of large tobacco companies.     Ten years ago, James Monsees and Adam Bowen […]En savoir plus

 Vaping, still trending in young populations?
Business - Market

Vaping, still trending in young populations?

A new government report published on June 7th has confirmed that vaping rates are steady among high-school students. Researchers are skeptical, however, as the study performed last year did not take into account the boom in vaping for a particular brand of electronic cigarettes. The research, organised by the Centre for Disease Control, did not pose […]En savoir plus

 Juul Labs’ mea culpa
Business - Market

Juul Labs’ mea culpa

In the booming world of vaping, the Juul is currently at the center of various debates. To the alarm of many, the popular vaping device has seduced countless young people in search of new experiences. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA is particularly orried that this trendy new vaping device serves as a gateway towards […]En savoir plus