Meharry Medical College has just announced a massive study on vaping, tobacco, and other products containing nicotine. The study’s research funds are not insignificant: $7.5 million, and the financier is one of the biggest e-cigarette manufacturers in the world, Juul Labs Inc. The medical school in Nashville is known for mainly teaching the black community, […]En savoir plus
Tags : Vaping
A low-cost American airline company called Spirit Airlines recently banned a passenger for life. The 30-year-old man was accused of vaping in the airplane’s bathroom during a flight between Detroit and New Orleans. The story starts on flight NK 985. During the trip, a passenger noticed that the man sitting next to him was acting […]En savoir plus
In Saudi Arabia, electronic cigarettes will now be taxed. This is intended to counterbalance the drop in oil prices and the resultant deficit. A similar approach was already established in 2024 as part of a royal effort, when Saudi Arabia decided to tax vaping products and energy drinks by 100%, and non-alcoholic beverages at 50%. […]En savoir plus
Quatre fabricants de cigarettes électroniques ont reçu des lettres d’avertissement de part de la FDA et de la FTC (Commission fédérale du commerce). Les deux régulateurs américains reprochent à ces quatre sociétés d’enfreindre la législation concernant la publicité sur les produits à base de nicotine. Les réseaux sociaux sont devenus des outils de communication incontournables […]En savoir plus
Il y a quelques jours s’est tenue la dernière édition du Hall of Vape en Allemagne. C’est à l’Expo Center de Hambourg qu’a eu lieu l’événement, début juin. Et quel event ! Avec par exemple son Hall of Modders, dont la taille dépassait celles des trois éditions précédentes réunies. Fabricants de e-liquides comme V’APE ou ou […]En savoir plus
Electronic cigarettes are one step closer to becoming a smoking cessation tool officially recommended by the Ministry for Health in New Zealand. While vaping is still banned in public spaces, electronic cigarettes have been studied extensively and conclusions are clear that they represent a safer alternative to tobacco. A campaign is scheduled for launch in August encouraging smokers, in […]En savoir plus
A recent study by the Harvard Chan School may worry electronic cigarette enthusiasts. Vaping products appear to contain non-negligible quantities of toxic bacteria and fungi. These living creatures potentially entering our bodies may have serious health consequences. The experiment focused on a large, representative sample of e-cigs, including single-use products such as pods and e-liquids. Of the 75 products […]En savoir plus
A tireless opponent to e-cigs, Scott Gottlieb will soon be stepping down from his position at the head of the FDA. Will the Food and Drug Administration change its tack on the subject of vaping? According to Fox Business, a new policy could be implemented in the fight against tobacco. Will this provide greater latitudes to […]En savoir plus
Imperial Brands, a titan in the world of tobacco products, has just released its sale and revenue forecasts, and it’s not looking good… The groups had been banking on an increase in revenues before the end of the year. The group’s main threat is simply electronic cigarette competition. Founded in 1901, the British company Imperial Brand’s […]En savoir plus
A study organised by Georgia State University has produced some alarming figures. From 2012 to 2024, the number of Americans who perceive electronic cigarettes to be dangerous has grown by a factor of 3. The principal author, Jidong Huang, offered various explanations to this surprising development. Jidong Huang’s work was based on a sample of 5,000 testimonies by American […]En savoir plus
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