Tags : Vaping in the UK

Laws & Regulations

The unexpected pro-vaping side of Brexit

Across Great Britain, the word “Brexit” is on every lip. The UK’s exit from the European Union brings a wave of political, economic, and public health transitions. The UK is emancipating itself from a range of mandatory EU measures, including the framework around vaping. While e-cigarettes are often lumped together with traditional cigarettes, the British want […]En savoir plus

Laws & Regulations

Vaping remains a controversial topic in the UK

Electronic cigarettes today are globally accepted as effective tools in the fight against smoking. However, the laws regulating its use and sale remain open to interpretation. Vaping is sometimes banned in public spaces, sometimes only in the workplace, proving different approaches to the issue exist. While it is understandable to have legal differences from one country […]En savoir plus


The British health authorities are launching a study on vaping

The UK today counts over 3 million regular electronic-cigarette users. Faced with this popularity, the parliament has decided to launch a major study to determine the impact of this new consumer product on the national economy and population health. This study aims to evaluate the relevance and success of current vaping legislation in England. According […]En savoir plus