Search Results for: explosion

Victoria est une amatrice passionnée de vape depuis les premiers mods mécaniques. Elle apporte à BlogVape son expertise juridique sur la vape en France et ailleurs.


An exploding e-cigarette injures a man in Paris

On Thursday October 19th, a young man was rushed to the hospital after the explosion of his e-cigarette. The injuries are not fatal, however French authorities are taking this issue very seriously, as it could have been much worse. Initial reports from police indicate that the battery caused the explosion. The incident occurred as the […]En savoir plus


English Firemen are pro-vaping

When we think about smoking risks, the first thing to come to mind is the smoker’s health. Smoking kills. However, there is another danger under that blanket of cigarette smoke: fire hazards. Forest fires are more often than not started by a lit cigarette dropped carelessly by a smoker.Or deliberately for the pyromaniacs. This year’s Stoptober […]En savoir plus


Les pompiers anglais en faveur de la vape

Lorsqu’on évoque la cigarette et ses risques, on pense toujours à la santé des fumeurs. Fumer tue. Seulement, il y a un autre risque inhérent à la cigarette : le feu. C’est d’ailleurs souvent un mégot jeté sans y prêter attention qui est à l’origine des feux de forêt (lorsqu’ils ne sont pas criminels). A […]En savoir plus

Do e-cigarettes explode?

You may have heard or read some scary things about dangerous e-cigarettes that have exploded. You may be worried about it. You perhaps even think that vaping is dangerous and that e-cigarettes do explode. But what do we really know about that?En savoir plus